Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Blog Reflection

Blog Reflection 

       Sometimes, no matter how busy or hectic your life is, you have to sit down and make room for inner reflection. I gave myself several New Year's resolutions this year. Two of these included becoming a more active reader and a more active writer. I am happy to say that I have made progress with becoming an active reader. I am sad to say this not the case for becoming an active writer. This blog assignment made me realize how far I have to go when it comes to balancing my student life and work life. Working two jobs plus three master's degree classes isn't an easy task. However, if I had organized things and paced myself better, then my blog would have looked nicer and been seen by more of my peers. I didn't use the reminder buddy system and my blog suffered because of it. 

     There were parts of this assignment I really enjoyed. I enjoyed talking about my time as an exchange student in Kinmen, Taiwan. I also liked the Wordless Wednesday post. Is it cheating if I reveal where those images are from? I went up to the Florida Panhandle this weekend and visited some national parks. Those pictures are from Falling Waters State Park and Florida Caverns State Park. I truly enjoyed my weekend trip to these places. I kinda fell in love with that area, to be honest.

     I realize I must continue writing in some shape or form. There are some Internet forums I frequent and I do do some blog like posts on those. Writing as a habit will help me become a better writing teacher to my students.

1 comment:

  1. Both great place to share pics of! Glad you are finding some time for travel and fun. Writing is a habit just like working out. Finding routine time to write is hard! Don't be to harsh on yourself. I loved when you shared about your travels!
